Brain Buster

Simon Sinek – Leaders Eat Last

I first interviewed Simon Sinek for Marketing Over Coffee back in 2010 (transcript here). His sophomore effort was published at the end of last year and is another exceptional book. You can listen to the original audio here, or read this transcript. Transcription service by

John:We can wind back to 2010. I got “Start With Why” sent to me from a PR person behind the book. I clearly remember the pitch said, “Look, check out this TEDx video that talks about it.” I looked, and thought, “Wow, a TEDx video that has over 1,000 views. There’s got to be some meat here. This is a big deal.” Here we are, four years later, 16 million views on that TEDx video.

We’re going to talk about your latest book here, “Leaders Eat Last.” You’re just coming off of the big TED, if you will. I’m very pleased to welcome back Simon Sinek. Simon, thanks for joining us.

Simon:  Thanks for having me. It’s good to see you again.

John:  Pretty much our audience are all huge TED fans. Tell us about that. How was TED? How did that all go?

Simon:  It was my first time at the big event, speaking and attending. It was overwhelming in every proportion. It is exactly what you would expect it to be: surreal, brilliantly choreographed – I mean, it was one of the most buttoned-up, if not the most buttoned-up, event I’ve ever been to, and I’ve been to a lot – and just the people that show up, it’s astounding. They don’t just come in for an hour, they come in for a week.

Really humbling to be a part of, and there are various times where I thought, “What am I doing here?” Really excited to be a part of it and join the community.

John:  You literally forced your way on stage by the power of that video, because it runs so well. Were there people at TED that were saying, “Hey, we saw your video”? Were you kind of a celebrity there? Were people already aware of your work?

Simon:  I didn’t think that people knew who I was. And then, one person would say hello, and then another person would say hello, and then another person would say hello. I think there were more people who recognized me than I think. It was a strange experience. These are people that we know – the Ken Robinsons, the Amy Cuddys, the Susan Cains – these are amazing human beings, and they said hello to me. It was really flattering, really humbling.

John:  That’s excellent. Let’s dig into the new book here. It’s been four years, so you’ve obviously taken some time with it – you didn’t just crank another one out. Of course, the concern was, “Is this going to be a sophomore slump?” You wrote such a great book the first one out, that you set the bar high for yourself. I’m happy to report this book hits just as hard. In fact, I think for me, it wasn’t as revolutionary, but it’s more practical. It goes right to the core of a bunch of problems we have in business.

Talking about leadership, a big thing is primal response. A core message you’re talking about is we need workers to feel safe in the workplace for them to be effective. Talk about that, the primal response and what we’re doing there.

Simon:  We are social animals at our core. Our success hinges on our ability to cooperate with others. The problem with things like trust and cooperation is they’re not instructions. I can’t simply tell you, “Trust me,” and you will. I can’t simply tell two people, “I need you guys to cooperate,” and they will. Trust and cooperation are feelings.

At the end of the day, like I said, we’re tribal animals, we’re social animals, and we respond to the environment we’re in. Good people put in a bad, toxic environment are capable of doing bad things. But equally so, human beings that society may have given up on, if put in positive, good environments, are capable of remarkable things.

We spend so much time hiring the right person. We spend all this time getting the right people on the bus and we completely ignore the bus. What bus are they stepping into? What I’ve learned is it’s really the environment that matters so much more. If you create the right environment, the people are fine. They will respond to the environment they’re in.

When we feel that an environment has been created – what I call a “circle of safety” – when we feel that leadership would sooner sacrifice the numbers to save the people and would never sacrifice the people to save the numbers, the natural human biological response is trust and cooperation. However, if we believe that the company would sooner sacrifice us to save the numbers, the natural human biological response is mistrust, cynicism, paranoia, and self-interest.

We shouldn’t be surprised at some of the environments and personalities that we create in our organizations, because it’s the leaders who created them.

John:  This book takes the blinders off. As someone who follows the press all the time, you see all these articles about “What do we do to get more enthusiasm in the work place or to get people more dedicated and to create more of a service environment.” Your book says, “Look, step back. If you did a layoff last December and still gave the executive team a bonus, maybe there’s your motivation problem.

Simon:  Forget about the executive team. Layoffs are so destructive to an environment, because basically what we’re saying is we will ask you to go home, even though you’ve done nothing wrong and your performance has been fine, if not exemplary. We will ask you to go home, open the door, and tell your spouse and tell your children that you can’t afford the mortgage, and you cannot afford food anymore, and we’re going to have to tighten the belt, because my career has been ended so that they could make the numbers for one year.

Forget about the people who got laid off, let’s just put them aside. Let’s think about the people who didn’t get laid off. How loyal do you think they feel to an organization if the next time the company misses its numbers that guy got laid off and that guy got laid off?

How do you think that makes me feel when I show up to work every day, with the absolute confidence that I am expendable? You think I’m going to take risks? You think I’m going to try? You think I’m going to stick my neck out? You think I’m going to volunteer my best ideas? In fact, you think I’m going to risk anything that I’ve achieved, for someone else, or do you think I’m going to be protective of anything I have, so that I can at least guarantee – or try – to create some sense of value for myself, that I’m not in the next line of fire?

Forget about the people that were sacked. Think about the people that weren’t sacked. This is what we’re doing to our companies year after year after year. We are systematically destroying the level of innovation, inspiration, and motivation for people to offer their best and to trust leadership. Why should they?

John:  You made a neat correlation that I hadn’t thought of. We’ve got the Fortune 1000, and by applying Milgram’s research – we won’t go into that now; you can Google that if you want to know about it. You should know about it, because it’s key to human behavior and inflicting suffering – we know that 670 of the Fortune 1000 CEOs are more than willing to harm others to –

Simon:  Not willing, capable.

John:  Capable. True. The thing that I was thinking about with that is, based on my only empirical evidence, the Fortune 1000 are a lot higher degree of psychosis and anger than the general public, so I would put that number even higher.

Simon:  I go into it in some depth in the book. In Milgram’s research, very quickly, the conclusion was if we cannot see or hear the people who are affected by the decisions we make, 66% of us have the capacity to kill them. This is Milgram’s research.

Which means that if the CEOS or any of the C-level executives of the Fortune 1000 do not spend any time and get to know the people whose decisions they make affect – it could be their employees or their customers – 66% of them, at least, have the capacity to change the ingredients of the product, to put chemicals rather than natural ingredients in. They’re cheaper, why not? We don’t see the impact. We don’t know the long lasting effects, if they produce cancer or destroy our health.

And yet, we have an entire health community that says the single biggest thing that hurts our health? Not fat. Not cholesterol. Overly processed food. The New York Times Magazine ran an article of how the people who make chips, like Doritos, freely admit that it’s not food. It’s not food. They can tweak the recipes to add the right number of salt and sugar, to literally make us crave more.

How were these decisions made? In other words, we can just look at the products that are produced. We can look at decisions that are made.

GM is going through it right now. This scandal that they’re having with the ignition issue with a lot of their cars, where there have been multiple deaths. There was a problem with the car where the car would shut off while it was driving and disable the airbags. So, if the shut off car crashed, no airbags would release.

They knew about it four or five years ago, and nobody did anything. How do you think that decision was made? Do you think when they got around the table and discussed, “Should we do the thing for the people who are driving our cars?” or were they concerned about how much it would cost? You start to see that Milgram’s research seems to play out in the real world.

John:  I get stuck on that. Where do you come up with the optimism? What do you prescribe, as far as how can we get out of this? At least we have the 300 CEOs who are willing to stand up and do what’s right, how can we improve this?

Simon:  There are multiple factors. One, we must demand it. If the free market says that we have to respond to market demands, then if we’re demanding that we are provided for and feel safe when we come to work every day, shouldn’t they respond? Isn’t that what capitalism is all about?

It’s not about simply appealing to the demands of a disinterested, external constituency, I have to believe. In other words, the mantras of the free market, we’re not actually obeying them. If we obey the free market, then we should be responding to the demands. We have to demand that our companies look after us. If they do, we will reward them with love and loyalty and hard work and innovation and blood and sweat and tears to see their visions come to life. That’s just the biological response when we feel protected by our leaders.

The other thing that we have to do is rise up ourselves. In other words, we can’t sit there, folded-armed, and say, “Well, until they do something about it…” Every single one of us has the responsibility to be the leader we wish we had.

What have we done for the person who sits next to us? If they’re in need, do we ignore them? If someone falls over, do we help them up? If someone’s panicking, do we go and spend the night and work until 3:00 in the morning to see that they get their presentation complete, even though we’re not even working with them on the project? Do we risk our bonus, do we risk our promotion, do we risk our credit, do we give up our sleep, because someone else needs us? Are we doing that?

We can’t complain unless we’re doing it ourselves. We have no right to complain about the leadership above us, if we refuse to be the leaders that we wish we had.

John:  Talking about human response, a huge chunk of the book is talking about EDSOs – endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin – how did you get pulled down this track of human biology and chemistry? How did that come into your research?

Simon:  At the end of the day, I’m a little kid. I like to ask, “Why?” “Because that’s the way it works” is not a satisfactory answer. “It’s the law of attraction,” “It’s the law of the universe,” those answers are very unappealing to me.

When you ask, “Where does trust come from?” I could have done the case study model, where I go look at a bunch of companies with highly trusting environments and ask, “What are they doing?” But that still doesn’t answer the fundamental question of, “Why is it working? Why do they trust each other? Why did that work?”

When you ask that question enough, it forces you backwards. It forces you backwards until you get to the birth of Homo sapiens. When you start to understand the conditions that existed when our species was born, when our species was created, and you understand the things that evolved and the way that we were designed to cope with the environments that we were in, you start to realize that it all makes perfect sense.

If you look at the best organizations today, their environments eerily replicate the environments for which we were actually designed, for which we actually evolved. These things aren’t modern wonders. This is a very old machine. Our bodies are 50,000 years old. We are legacy machines, and really, we haven’t had a software update in 50,000 years, but the hardware’s changed around us. The work we’re being asked to do has changed, but the machine is old. Until we understand how the machine works, we won’t fully understand how to get the best out of the machine.

John: Performance at work, our bodies, our diets, all this stuff. I guess we just have to say we’re due for an upgrade. I don’t know if there’s any way around that. 

Simon:  There’s no way to upgrade it. What we have to do is protect it and look after it. We know exercise matters. That’s because it gives us our healthy dose of endorphins. In other words, we have to keep those chemicals in balance. No one chemical is more important than the other. They’re all highly necessary. The importance is balance. The argument I attempted to make in this new book is that we’ve created environments that have literally put our bodies out of balance, where the chemical balances inside our bodies have made us all more stressed out, and more tense. It exposes us to greater dangers of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Not because of partially hydrogenated oils. It’s because the chemicals inside our bodies are literally out of balance because of the environments in which we work. If we can restore those environments to the manner for which we were designed, then life gets healthier and we live longer. It’s really basic, and a basic equation.

John:  In the past four years since the first book, you’ve done a bunch of stuff with the military – the most noted one, Captain Marquet, his book, “Turn The Ship Around.” That’s a great book, how to be a leader at the frontline. There’s a concept that you hit on there, as far as giving authority to those closest to the information. Talk about that and how that works.

Simon: I really recommend that your viewers get his book, it’s called “Turn The Ship Around.” One of the things he came to realize in an organization is that those at the top have all the authority, but those at the bottom have all the information.

The CEO of the Ritz-Carlton famously said, “My lowest paid employees have all the contact with my customers.” In other words, if you want to know what’s going on, on a daily basis, it’s the people at the frontlines.

The problem is, they have all the information and none of the authority. The opportunity is not to push the information up, the information is to push the authority down. When we give the people at the frontline more authority, good things happen. When we force them to push information up, it just creates more bureaucracy, is all it does.

Marquet’s realization of this fundamental component of leadership significantly changed his own results. He was the captain of a Los Angeles-class nuclear-powered fast attack sub, and he had the lowest rated crew in the entire United States submarine fleet. This realization and some of the things he did to employ it, at the end, he walked away from that submarine with the same crew and the same equipment, and it became the highest rated submarine fleet in naval history. Not just that year, naval history. And it’s the exact same people who were the lowest rated crew. In other words: it’s not the people, it’s the environment. The people are fine.

John:  You have an interesting statement: “Unlike money, time has absolute value.” Talk about that and how it fits in specifically to leadership.

Simon:  Money is a redeemable commodity. You spend it, you waste it, you make some more. Time has an absolute value. You cannot redeem it. Once it’s spent it’s gone. Every single one of us has an equal amount of it. We all have 24 hours in one day. It doesn’t matter where you’re born. It doesn’t matter where you’re from. It doesn’t matter what you do, if you’re rich or poor, it doesn’t matter. 24 hours is all you get.

As human beings, we put in much higher regard for those who give us the time over those who give us their money. I’ll give you an example. What if I told you that, before our conversation, I logged on and gave $1,000 to charity? What would you think of me? You’d think, “Uh, good for you.” But what if I told you that last Saturday I went and spent half a day and I painted schools in the inner city? You’d think, “Nice, cool. I should do more.” Yet, the value of my labor was worth a lot less than $1,000. $1,000 could pay many more people to paint many more schools.

But, as human beings, you naturally thought higher of me because of my giving of my time, than the giving of my money. In other words, that’s how we react. When people give us their time and their energy, we reward them with love and loyalty. When they give us their money, the loyalty we may give, I wouldn’t call it loyalty. I’d say it’s temporary until somebody gives us more, or you have to give me more to get more out of me. These are transactions.

A key component of leadership is the person who’s willing to give up their time and energy for the good of others.

John:  You’ve been on this rollercoaster ride with the new book and TED. This has just been crazy. Where are you going next? What’s on the docket for you? What are you excited about?

Simon:  We’re working to build an MBA program from the ground up. There’s a couple of us who have had the discussion that one of the reasons why we see a decline of leadership in our country and in our companies is because the bench is pretty thin. We’re leaving it up to luck that the leaders will emerge.

Many of the business schools we have today, they may have a leadership class here and there, but fundamentally they teach management, and people are very often viewed as an asset or a line item and not something to be loved and protected and cared for. We can rail against the machine, we can complain, or we can do something about it.

We’re now in the early stages of actually building an MBA program from the ground up, where we will teach leadership based on the biological, anthropological principles of what leadership is. We hope to produce leaders, not managers, and start filling the bench.

John:  That’s excellent. Of course, your roots are in advertising and marketing. What do you see in the future there? All this stuff with social now, the way the market is moving to everything mobile, and smaller screens – are you more optimistic or is it a more challenging environment?

Simon:  If you’re going to ask me about the advertising and marketing world, it’d be hard to be an optimist. The closest thing I can equate that industry to is prostitution. If you’re willing to pay them, they’ll do it. These are not organizations that generally act with morality in mind. In other words, they’ll report on the trend that more young people are using social media to interact today, so what should we do? Encourage it.

Yet, if you look at the data and look at the research, we know that people who spend more time on Facebook suffer higher rates of depression than people who spend less time on Facebook. We know that dopamine is released every time we get a ping or a buzz or a flash or a beep from our cell phones when a text message comes in. We know we can get addicted to social media. We know that more baby boomers now die from suicide than from car accidents. We know that rates of depression and loneliness are on the increase, and it’s only going to go up because our young people are finding themselves more addicted to social media than they ever were before. That’s the trend.

If they were responsible, the marketing and advertising world would be working hard not to encourage people to use social media, but to encourage people to actually get together and spend time with each other, that brands can become the place for people to coalesce in person to spend time with each other.

This is why we don’t trust advertisers and marketers to set the course of our society. They will simply respond and follow the trend and do what the money tells them to do.

It is, unfortunately, up to the rest of us, where we have to take it upon ourselves to put down our devices and spend time with each other. Turning your phone upside down when you’re at lunch or dinner is not more polite. What it says, subconsciously, is whoever is sitting across from me, you’re not the most important thing to me right now. There’s something else as important, or more important. Put the phone away.

Like an alcoholic who doesn’t rely on their willpower to stop their drinking, they get rid of all the alcohol in their home. We do not have the willpower to ignore the dopamine-releasing power of social media. So, when we go out with somebody we love, leave our phones at home. Or, just bring one phone in case there’s an emergency. Everybody says, “What if there’s an emergency?” We don’t need four phones. We need one. Bring one. Turn it off, leave it in a bag. We don’t need it anymore. If we go with a group of friends, let’s all pass our phones one to the left.

Especially if you go out with one person, think about it: they go to the bathroom, and what’s the first thing we do? We pull out our phones. God forbid we should have nothing to do for two minutes. I’m guilty of it as well. There’s something magical when they take our phone with them to the bathroom and we don’t have access to it. We actually sit back and we actually see people, and we watch the world interacting.

You know where ideas come from? You know where innovation comes from? Observation. It is not for us to rely on the whorish style of marketers, but to take it upon ourselves to change the way we will live our lives to enhance the lives we live.

John:  That’s excellent. Simon, obviously things are going very well for you and you’re in high demand. We appreciate you giving us some of your time to talk to everybody here.

Simon:  Have I just insulted all of your viewers?

John:  Our viewers need insulting on a regular basis.

Simon:  Let me just continue down that path. Let me just alienate thousands more people.

I watch Hulu. When an ad comes on, I can’t skip it, but there’s now a progress bar that tells me when it’s going to end. You know why they put progress bars on things? We put progress bars on things we find torturous, like software updates. If you have to put progress bar on your product, maybe you have a bad product.

The way to fix this is not to force people, to get rid of the ability to push fast-forward and to take it off the web video, so every time I want to watch a news clip, I’m forced to watch a 30 second ad that I watch like this, and 12 times in a row. Maybe it’s to produce something that’s entertaining, that’s enjoyable, that’s provocative, and that makes me want to lean in and watch.

GEICO commercials, I like them, I watch them, I enjoy them. There are some old commercials – Saturn had a commercial called “Sheet Metal.” I loved it. It’s ten years old and I still pull it up on YouTube and watch it because it’s so good. 1984 was an amazing commercial. It aired once, and yet we all know it, because it was good.

They weren’t thinking about the product, they were thinking about the person who’s watching – in other words, the consumer. They were actually making something for the person who will be consuming the product, which is the advertising. If we just improve the quality of our marketing, we wouldn’t need to force people, like that scene in Clockwork Orange.

John:  Right, the eyes open.

Simon:  If you have to put a progress bar in your advertising, maybe you should let people skip it. How often people skip is something we should be measuring, and our objective should be to produce marketing so good, that the skip numbers go down. We should be counting the skips and using it as a metric of something to improve.

John:  It’s amazing that they even have throttling like that, where it’s like, “You can skip in ten seconds or 15 seconds,” and they’re literally parting it.

Simon:  We should be counting how often people skip our commercials with the hope and objective that we make something so good that they won’t. That would produce better marketing.

John:  Truly entertaining content, yes. That’s at the heart of it.

Simon:  Or compelling, or inspirational, or provocative, or sexy. Everybody knows sex sells. Put something sexy out. I promise you we’ll rewind.

John:  This is interesting though, too, you have all of those different routes to go down – compelling, interesting, provocative, even the brands that go offensive and don’t care about it – but you have to align that with what you do, because it is entirely possible to have some video that runs crazy, but you don’t sell anything because of it.

Simon:  That’s the magic of good marketing, isn’t it? I remember from my advertising days, the best creative directors were the ones who took their creatives aside and said, “Listen, you’re not making art here.”

There’s a balance between the creative side and the business side. What that balance is, is a myth to anyone. It’s mystical. But when you strike the balance, people want to consume the advertising and they want to buy the product.

“The Most Interesting Man in the World” commercials, my friend Dave Arnold came up with those. They’re amazing, because they’re funny, and we like them and we like him. It was brilliantly cast, brilliantly written, and brilliantly produced. We can’t wait for them. That’s great marketing.

I think that the only reason we have all of these other tricks and techniques is not because people are more impatient, it’s because the quality of the product is mediocre.

John:  The whole business side, just finding numbers.

Simon:  The data shows that people have shorter attention spans today. Really? Because you give me a good movie, I’ll sit there for three hours. Shorter attention spans, really? Because when I’m fast-forwarding on my DVR and I see a “Most Interesting Man in the World” commercial, how come I rewind? Am I that impatient, really? “Well, that’s what the trend data says, so we have to make things short.” No, we have to make things better.

John:  Good message for us to wrap on with that. On a high note.

Simon:  Hopefully, still one of your viewers likes me.

John:  As long as it’s thought provoking. We’re talking to the harlots. They’re not easily offended by anything, that’s for sure.

Simon:  I come from the industry. I’m not just blabbering. I have firsthand experience.

John:  “Leaders Eat Last,” available on and wherever fine books and e-books are sold. Check it out, get a copy of it today. I highly recommend it. Simon, thanks for spending time with us.

Simon:  John, thanks very much. It’s good to see you again, and I hope to see you soon.

Productivity Booster

That’s Not Funny

In September it will be two years since the release of B2B Marketing Confessions. I spent the year after it was published on promotion and working on the audio version of the book, and then it was time to start the next big thing.

After writing about one of the most boring business topics of all time I was excited to get working on a concept that came to me before Confessions was done – the intersection of business and humor. The big ideas were clear – the question of why things are funny is a fertile topic, and the mirage of the “viral video” that every marketing department chases at at least once (if not dozens of times) is often ridden towards on the camel of humor.

After over a year of research I bring you… nothing.

Or, maybe this is a true gift, a blog post with a few good points as opposed to a 200 page book with 195 pages of filler. What I have learned that is important, but not enough for a book:

  1. There is no formula for funny.
  2. Like chess, there are some proven openings, but you have to do the hard work of filling in the details and there’s no guarantee you’ll get it right (in fact you won’t most of the time as you start). And get this – comedy case studies are useless, once the joke is out copycats are viewed with disdain.
  3. At the heart of comedy is the irony of us being woefully unable to deal with everyday life. For more on this, Steve Kaplan’s “The Hidden Tools of Comedy” is worth reading.
  4. Brute force does work. As a young person I thought Johnny Carson was just an amazingly funny guy, then I learned there are teams of people that drive the late night shows. I don’t know why this was so surprising to me, I was also amazed to hear about the same thing about This American Life, only about half of the segments that get made make it to the airwaves.
  5. Committees never work, it may be funny, but not funny enough to go viral. This is the bane of corporate humor. Pretty good for 10 people is not even in the same country, never mind neighborhood of awesome to 1. Even great to 4 people will probably be ignored.
  6. Humor never works when there is power disparity – making jokes when you are laying someone off is a bad idea. If you are the big boss you may be in for a rude awakening when you tell the same jokes and stories to people not on your payroll.
  7. Humor runs the risk of being offensive. As mentioned earlier, a lot of humor is about our inability to deal with life. That’s why there are a lot of victims in comedy and that doesn’t always mesh with political correctness or the PR position of your brand.
  8. Much of business is improvisation. I thought there would be a lot of material here. There are a bunch of books on improvisational comedy. 99% of it boils down to working well with your partners and some generally agreed to frameworks (again back to the chess openings). The other theme here that keeps showing up is: do a ton of writing.
  9. “Be funny” is like saying, “be charming, be empathic, be service oriented, be a great product designer”. Good advice at first listen, until you realize that there aren’t any detailed instructions besides “Listen well, and act appropriately”.
  10. To do one great video, create 10 maybe you’ll be lucky and get one hit. Doing projects one at a time guarantees failure.

Although there’s no getting the year back, I did learn a lot and it may have led me to the next idea. I keep coming back to the art and science of marketing. The big idea there highlights the weakness of comedy: comedy is an art and without the science of connecting it in some way to your product, it’s entirely possible to create something successful (even viral baby!) that drives ZERO sales. I get that zero sales feeling from Comedy & Business, so it’s time to apply some science.

Productivity Booster

Recent Marketing Resources

I caught up with a friend for lunch at The Merchant yesterday, which is a hot lunch spot right now. It’s always fun to watch the responses people give when the host informs them that unless they have a reservation they are out of luck.

I’m able to get advice from both a seasoned entrepreneur and parent, and he gets the benefit what’s come out of Marketing Over Coffee, distilled down to what tools or tech might be useful for specifically his business. And, when I start writing long winded emails full of links I figure I might as well take the general stuff and share it with the whole world.

Google Analytics is changing so fast it makes my head hurt. That’s disconcerting considering number of years I’ve worked with web analytics. I feel bad for someone digging in for the first time. The good news is there’s Training and Certification here, and some good ongoing stuff published here.

I haven’t gotten around to posting the transcript of my talk with Simon Sinek on his new book, Leaders Eat Last. That link goes to his book, and here’s one to his first book, Start With Why, which is fantastic. If you want to get an overview on both of them you can listen here on Leaders Eat Last, and here for Start With Why.

We’ve also been using Slack at Qrious and it’s great. Sort of like having your own private Facebook for work. If you know it’s like Chatter.

Anything new and interesting in your toolkit?


Daily Life

Why People Hate You for Talking Politics Online

This post has been in my draft bin since the last Presidential election. I was trapped in the loop of having to publish a post on politics about why it’s bad for your reputation to post about politics.

In theory all voters would make a rational decision and the best candidate would win. If all Americans applied the same logic, one candidate would get all the votes. Of course this never happens. Voters apply a value to each of the characteristics of a candidate and then ultimately choose a single candidate. These characteristics fall into 3 major categories based on significant research I did while driving home yesterday listening to a boring audiobook:

  1. The candidate’s stand on issues (taxation, abortion, medicare, welfare, ad infinitum)
  2. The candidate’s party (that has it’s own stance on both issues and ideology (how the Constitution should be interpreted, the role of Government itself, ad nauseam)
  3. The candidate’s personality (values, appearance, ability to look good on TV, if they’ve been caught as an outright cheat and liar, [#LatinPhrase])

Every voter does their own calculus to determine how to cast a vote. Some consider party affiliation most important and don’t have to think much. Others get wrapped up in mental gymnastics such as struggling with the relative value of a candidate being pro-choice being as positive, versus allegedly claiming to be Native American for preferential treatment when applying for jobs (especially when I didn’t have the stones to try that stunt on my own college applications).  Every person assigns different values to these factors, giving us an infinite spectrum of possible reasons why to vote for a candidate.

Another factor is the two party system – many polarizing opinions end up getting adopted by one party, with the counterpoint on the other. This gives you interesting logic puzzles that complicate the calculus – like justifying your opinion on abortion with your opinion on foreign policy (you might do anything to save a fetus, unless it is now grown and in some country we are at war with and needs to be killed).

You go through the exercise to determine what issues are important enough to swing your vote in one direction and cast your ballot. Here’s where you get burned – you’re thinking “These 1-5 factors are what I consider the most important, and I have cast my vote”. You feel you are standing up for your important short list, but to everyone that sees you brag about your candidate on Facebook they see you as against their short list. While you think you are standing up for your 1-5 things,  you are seen as standing against an infinite list of topics for the half of America on the other side of the aisle. Talking about your vote for the “Pro-Life” candidate causes you to be perceived by others as not only “Anti-choice”, but pro-mortgage crisis, pro-guns, pro-screw the poor, regardless of your actual opinions on those issues. Vice versa, posting about your recent “Pro-Choice” candidate vote immediately causes some to identify you not only as  “Pro-Death”, but anti-family, anti-church, anti-business hippie, pro-creating the fall of America through the welfare state, and any other thing the right is against that you are now the proud spokesperson for.

The short answer is – do you want to advertise that you are against what half of America considers most important? Your best odds are now 50/50 on your next sale or job interview, are you really looking to make your life tougher?

The candidates, the press, the pundits – all of them get paid for taking a side. What do you get for lending your reputation to a political party/candidate/issue? Remember the poker adage, if you are looking around the table and you can’t figure out who the sucker is; you just did.

Geek Stuff

What headphones should I buy for my iPhone?

So a good friend of mine told me he just switched to an iPhone and that he wasn’t happy with the earbuds. Since I was going to get a bunch of links for him anyway, it’s a perfect excuse for a new sound roundup (see previous post here)! There are some new entries, and better yet new resources to check things out yourself. Between running, having an addiction to buying music, and producing Marketing Over Coffee I spend (waste) a lot of time worrying about audio.

There are two hard rules I can guarantee you – one, there is no substitute for testing. There’s no universal fit, and only you can decide what sound quality/price trade off you can stomach. Two, yes, the stock earbuds stink.

First is the fit category, I’ve cut into 4 options:

  1. Over the ear – These cover your ear completely and because they are so big this means you’ll get more bass than anything smaller
  2. On the ear – Slightly smaller, but personally I’ve found them more likely to hurt after prolonged use. Overall I ignore this category, if you have any you like in this segment I’d love to hear about them.
  3. In the ear – These are your standard earbud style. The key here is that they go in your ear but do not seal it shut like an earplug (that would be #4)
  4. In the ear canal – These have an airtight seal which has a tradeoff – they can sound much better than #3, but you can’t hear what’s going on around you as well. Some people don’t like cutting off the outside world, for example I prefer #3 for running so I still have some idea what’s going on around me. On the other hand, when on a plane or subway you may prefer this style to block out the noise around you

Other things to keep in mind:

  1. Bluetooth – If you want to go cordless then you might consider this. It’s a big trade off though – this means they’ll need a battery of some sort, one that requires charging or replacement. Audiophiles also write off Bluetooth as the sound quality is not as good as wired. However, see #4 for more on sound quality
  2. In-line controls – Having the ability to change volume or tracks, and having a microphone on the cable makes life easier in a number of situations. It’s a lot easier to hear calls through your earphones/headphones. It’s much easier to control while excercising rather than pulling out your phone.
  3. Celebrity Headphones – If a celebrity is getting paid, that’s money that didn’t go to sound quality. The Wirecutter article below goes in depth here, they’ve never had a celebrity headphone win its price class.
  4. Apple sucks, Bose doesn’t – The bottom line is that you make a lot of trade offs on a phone so that your battery lasts more than 2 hours. It takes energy to process a digital signal, and to drive headphones. Since the sound quality is not audiophile grade you don’t notice that the stock headphones are quite crummy (although this latest generation is much better than the last). This is also why you can get by with Bluetooth, unless you’re really listening it’s not going to make much difference on an average or less MP3 file. On the other side ofHeadphones the spectrum I’ll mention hometown team Bose. Yes, they are more expensive than gear that’s considered the same quality and yes, audiophiles tend to take issue with them. Until recently I’ve said “Do a little homework and you can get better for the same money, or get as good and save some money”. In the past couple of years though they’ve been crushing it – The QC15 (over ear), QC20 (in ear canal),SIE2i (sport headphones) and the Soundlink Mini (portable speaker like a Jambox) all are category leaders to my ear. So if you want good sound, you’ll have to pay. Bottom line is, although their stuff is expensive they don’t make any mid-grade or entry level junk. Anybody that buys Bose is usually happy with their purchase. Brands like Sony and Sennheiser make so many different models that you’ll have a hard time figuring out what’s best for you.
  5. Noise Reduction – there’s passive noise reduction, blocking outside noise by airtight seal and insulation, and active noise reduction where microphones measure the noise and cancelling sound waves are created. Many reviewers say Bose leads the pack here by a significant margin, and my testing agrees with that.

Resources: is still fantasic for a broad range of headphones, great advice and test results if you are hardcore. A new one to me, thanks to @gadgetboy is The Wirecutter. You can check out their buying guide and they are great for reviews on what’s the best in a number of tech categories. In fact, I’d start there first before going to my list below.

The stuff I like:

Over the ear: I still love my Bose QC15s. The sound is good, the noise reduction great. Hard to beat this for watching your own movies on a plane. If you’re not into that price range a great choice is the Sony MDR7506. At $85 these get rated higher than cans going up as high as $250.

On ear: Never like any enough to buy.

In the ear: For running the Bose SIE2i are the best sounding sport headphones I’ve ever had. Fair warning though, they are expensive and I’ve had to replace them once after a year and a half. Amazon reviews say that the microphone is a weak point if sweat gets in there. On my list to try are the Jaybird Bluebuds X which are guaranteed sweatproof.

In the ear canal: My Shure 530s are still going strong. I’ve had custom earmolds made so I can wear these all day with no problem and they block out a lot of noise. They no longer make these, the latest model is the 535 and it’s much better because you can replace the cable when they wear out. However, they are no longer the king of the hill, if you happen to have $1,000 just lying around the SE-846 has 4 drivers in each ear (not sure how they squeeze that all in there) which are supposed to sound better than Morgan Freeman telling your life story. On my wishlist here: Bose QC20. The noise reduction on these is much better than even the QC15 plus it’s a lot less to carry when traveling.

That’s where it’s at today, if you have any gear you love please tell me about it!

Brain Buster

Starting with Why

Recently I’ve started publishing transcripts of Marketing Over Coffee Interviews that I’ve done. As part of #blogchat I keep referring back to Simon Sinek’s book “Start With Why” and I’m excited to announce that I’ve landed a block on his calendar to talk with him about his new book “Leaders Eat Last”. With both of these coming up I thought it would be good to crank the wayback machine to 2010 and get a transcript of the last discussion with him.

John: Simon, for someone who has written a business book, you’re uncomfortable with saying that you are in business. Tell us more about that.

Simon:  It’s true, for me this is a cause. This is a movement. We live in a world these days where there is a lot less leadership than I think we need. There was a time not that long ago where you could rattle off the names of leaders: Lou Gerstner, Jack Welch, Lee Iacocca, Vaclav Havel, Lech Walesa, Margaret Thatcher, and Ronald Reagan. These people were all contemporaries. I defy you to name on one hand five great leaders that are living today that are contemporary in business or in politics. It’s really hard. Quite frankly, we lack leadership in this world in all segments of our society, especially in business, and I think we need to change that.

For me, this is a crusade. This is a cause. What I understand about great leaders is that they all operate from this center, from this “why.” They all have clarity of “why.” Every single business, every single organization – even our careers – are based on three levels: what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. The problem is that most of us are only aware of two of them: how and what, strategies and tactics. We don’t even have a word in business for the word why. It’s just strategies and tactics, how and what.

When you’re operating on two pieces of a three-piece puzzle, inherently things are out of balance. Out of balance can manifest in multiple ways: obsession with price, obsession with what your competitors are doing, increased levels of stress, and loss of passion. It just doesn’t feel the same way that it used to. This is what happens when there’s a lack of leadership.

My cause is simply to share that this thing called the “why” exists because I know the more people that understand the third piece of this three-piece puzzle, the more businesses, organizations, and careers are in balance; and quite frankly, the better the world will get. For me this is very personal. The goal is to share the “why” with as many people as I can.

John:  The very first thing that got me into this was that your agent had sent out a link. We get these things all the time: “Check out our book. Here’s what we have going on.” But you had a YouTube link in the first paragraph, so I jumped to the video and caught that. That was what reeled me into this. Where did that come from and what was the idea behind that?

Simon:  It was a great honor to be invited to speak at a TEDx event. It’s a room full of idealists that you get to share your message with. Once we had that video, we realized that it was such a great primer. In 18 minutes you could hear a broad overview of what I speak about. It’s this great primer for what’s in the book.

First and foremost, what’s important to me is to share my message, to share this concept of “why,” and it’s such a great way to do it. Whether it’s to me or quite frankly to anybody else, it’s really important to me to share that message and the link is such an easy way to do it.

John:  The first thing that came to me was how relevant so much of this stuff is for copywriting to really drive the message home and have it stick in a different kind of way.

Simon:  I started in the ad business a long time ago, and I was always fascinated with how companies of equal size could hire the same agencies, the same creatives, the same consultant, and  the same media, why is it that some marketing worked and some marketing didn’t? I even saw it in my own agency, where you could have the same creative team and it would work for one client and not another. Why was that?

The genesis of The Golden Circle actually started out with me just trying to understand why some marketing worked and some marketing didn’t. When I looked at marketing from Apple, Southwest, Harley Davidson and all these great marketers, what I discovered is the way the copy is physically organized on the page, the way the message is communicated, is the same and it’s different from everybody else. It all starts with this concept of “why” and all I did was write it down.

It wasn’t until somebody started asking me, “Do you know how the human brain works?” which I didn’t, and they started telling me about the limbic brain and the neo-cortex and how people make decisions. When I looked a little deeper and started to understand the decision-making biology, I realized that the biology perfectly overlapped with this little concept of The Golden Circle. So I hadn’t discovered why some marketing works and some marketing doesn’t; I discovered why people do what they do, and that became vastly more profound.

John:  Can you give us an example and explain to us how it works well for Apple?

Simon:  Sure. Apple is a great marketing example. If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message would sound like this: they’d start with what they do, they’d tell you how they’re different and better, and they’d expect some sort of behavior. In this case, a purchase.

If Apple were like everyone else, a marketing message would sound like this: “We make great computers. They’re beautifully designed, simple to use, and user friendly. Want to buy one?” Whatever, right? And that’s the norm in the world: “Here’s what we do and here’s how we do it. Here’s our new car, it has great gas mileage, tinted windows, and leather seats. Here’s how we’re different and better. Choose us.” “Here’s our law firm. We have the best lawyers who went to the best schools. We win all of our cases. Choose us.”

But here’s how Apple actually does it. Apple starts with why: “Everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user friendly. We just happen to make great computers. Want to buy one?” It’s totally different, and all I did was reverse the order of the information. No trickery, no celebrity endorsements, no manipulations. All I did was reverse the order of the information. What it proves to us is that people don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. It’s not what you do that matters. It’s why you do it.

This is the reason why every single person listening to this is perfectly comfortable buying a computer, MP3 player, DVR, or phone from Apple because it’s not what Apple does; it’s what they believe. And their products prove what they believe. Dell, on the other hand, has defined themselves by what they do, not why they do it. They’ve defined themselves as a computer company and a few years ago they came out with MP3 players and PDAs.

Dell makes good quality products and they’re every bit qualified to make MP3 players and PDAs…and nobody bought one. Why would we buy an MP3 player from a computer company? It doesn’t make sense. but we do it every day. It’s not what you do that matters. It’s why you do it. And from a copywriting standpoint, to communicate from the “why” – to start with “why” – talks directly to the part of the brain that controls decision making and then people can rationalize it with the product. To do it any other way, quite frankly, is just hard work.

John:  The core idea of the book is The Golden Circle. Go ahead and tell me more about that.

Simon:  The Golden Circle is an idea. About three or four years ago I made a discovery that all the great marketers and all the organizations capable of inspiring people, think, act, and communicate the exact same way – and it’s the complete opposite of everyone else.

Whether it’s Apple Computers, Harley Davidson, or Southwest Airlines, even great leaders like Martin Luther King and Ronald Reagan, regardless of their size or industry, they all think, act, and communicate the same way.

All I did was write that little system down, and that’s what The Golden Circle is. Basically it’s three levels. Imagine a bull’s eye, in the middle of the bull’s eye, is the word “why.” One ring out is the word “how,” and on the outside ring of the bull’s eye is the word “what.” That’s The Golden Circle.

Every single person and organization on the planet knows what they do, the products they make, and the services that they offer. Some know how they do it, whether you call it your differentiating value proposition, your proprietary process, or your USP.

Very few organizations can clearly state why they do what they do, and by why I don’t mean to make money or sell products. Those are both results. By “why” I mean, what’s your purpose, cause, and belief? Why does your organization exist? Why did you get out of bed this morning and why should anyone care?

What I learned was that while the rest of us think that differentiation happens in talking about what we do and how we’re different, those that are truly great marketers, those that are truly great at communicating and commanding loyal followings, every single one of them, regardless of their size or industry all starts with “why”.

John:  There’s a lot of stuff on decision making in marketing and studies on why we make the decisions that we do, why we buy what we buy, and so much of it comes down to the bottom line of everyone believes they’re making a rational decision-making process, but in reality they’re going with their gut and they’re justifying their gut all the time.

Simon:  That’s true. The rational part of our brain – the neo-cortex that corresponds with the “what” level – is responsible for rational, analytical thought and language. The “why” part of the brain is responsible for all of our feelings like trust and loyalty (the limbic brain). It’s also responsible for all human behavior, all decision making, and has no capacity for language.

In other words, when we tell people what we do and try to explain all the added benefits or differentiating value propositions, yes, people can understand vast amounts of complicated information, but it just doesn’t drive behavior. But when you tell people what you believe and why you do what you do, you’re talking directly to the part of the brain that controls behavior and then, as you said, we rationalize those decisions.

This, by the way, is where gut decisions come from. Gut decisions don’t happen in your stomach. You’re not following your heart and soul, and it’s not in your bones. It’s happening in the limbic brain – the part of the brain that controls decision making, but not language – which is why we say gut decisions. They just feel right. That’s not an accident. We use that verb because the part of the brain that controls feeling also controls decision making.

John:  You have a great section and it’s funny because it kind of tracks some stuff we’ve talked about in the show and even gotten a lot of heat on, where we talk about manipulation. It’s really just a matter of language. We joke about the fact that we are manipulating your perceptions, whereas really that can mean exactly the same thing as giving you a convincing argument. That is technically manipulating your perception, but nobody wants to be manipulated.

You actually went deep into a bunch of different things of manipulation versus inspiration. If you could talk about that and tell us what you think there. I’m especially interested in innovation as just a manipulation.

Simon:  Sure. There are only two ways to influence human behavior. You can manipulate it or you can inspire it. Examples of manipulation are things like dropping your price. If you drop your price low enough people will buy from you. Fear is a great manipulator, promotions, two-for-one, free toy inside, or if you’re in the B2B space, we call it value add. The principle is the same: giving stuff away for free to drive the behavior.

Manipulations work. What a manipulation does is it’s offering outside motivations –outside drivers – to drive a transaction, a single behavior, totally possible to do. The problem is that to drive repeat behavior requires more money and often more stress to come up with new and different manipulations to do it.

Inspiration, on the other hand, is completely different, which is those organizations that are capable of inspiring a purchase. What’s happening is that the person who’s buying isn’t doing it because of some giveaway or price drop. It’s because they feel like they have to be a part of it. Those organizations that are able to inspire are the ones who charge premiums, they’re more profitable, they’re more innovative, and this is where loyalty comes from.

I always talk about how there’s a huge difference between repeat business and loyalty. Repeat business means people do business with you over and over again. Loyalty means they’re willing to turn down a better product, maybe even at a better price, to continue to do business with you. That only happens when people are inspired.

John:  Right. You gave the example of the Motorola. Not the Katana, but the phone before that, that replaced the Startac. Could you talk a little bit about that? I think that’s a good story.

Simon:  It’s so fascinating. You’re talking about the Razr. I think it’s so funny, quite frankly, what organizations think are so innovative is really just features and benefits. They advertised the Razr as being made of special titanium and being thinner. Why is that an innovation? Real innovation changes the course of industries, if not society: the microwave, the fax machine, the light bulb, iTunes. These things changed industries, if not the way we live our lives.

Making a phone slightly thinner and out of titanium, though wonderful ideas – they’re wonderful features – didn’t really change anything. What Motorola thought was an innovation was really just a novelty and people thought, “Ooh, it’s shiny, it’s pretty. I’ll buy it.” It boosts their stock price and sales, and then very shortly after that all dried up.

John:  That’s the big thing with all these manipulations. You’re not instilling any loyalty, so as soon as the guy down the street has two cents less or a little bit shinier phone, that’s it. You lose the business.

Simon:  Keeping up with the Jones’. That’s what it’s all about.

John:  Obviously “why” is a critical component to the whole picture, but you’re saying that for successful businesses they also need to have the discipline of “how” and the consistency of “what.”

Simon:  Absolutely.

John:  How does all that stuff fit into the “why”?

Simon:  At the end of the day, a “why” is just a belief. That’s all it is. It’s your purpose. It’s your cause. It’s your belie. It’s this intangible thing. It’s why you do what you do. “Hows” are the actions we take to realize that belief, whether you call them your values, your differentiating value proposition, or your guiding principles. And what are the results of those actions? The products, services, our marketing, who we hire, the things we say, and the things we do.

We live in a tangible world, and if it’s not what you do that matters, it’s why you do it and it’s “why” that drives behavior, no one will know what you believe unless you say and do the things you actually believe. This is the idea of consistency, and this is where the concept of authenticity comes from.

Quite frankly, I’m a little tired of listening to talking heads talking about the importance of authenticity. People are more likely to do business with the “authentic” brands. They’re more likely to vote for the “authentic” candidate but that’s totally unactionable. How do you go back to your desk and make your work a little more authentic? “If you could market this a little more authentically, I’d be very grateful.”

What authenticity means is the things you say and the things you do, you actually believe – that your Golden Circle is in balance, that what you do and what you say proves what you believe. The reason it works is because we’re social animals. The human being is a social animal and we’re very good at judging. We get gut feelings on people.

Authenticity is consistency of “what.” If you’re not saying and doing the things you actually believe people can “sense it.” They can feel it in their guts that you’re just trying to pull one over on them, and that certainly does not inspire. It might drive a transaction, but it certainly doesn’t drive loyalty or repeat behavior.

John:  In the book, you talk about the celery test, which goes with walking the walk and talking the talk.

Simon:  Absolutely. The celery test is just a metaphor. It’s great to test whether you are truly following your “why” and making decisions based on your “why”. Like I said, it’s just a metaphor. Imagine if you’re going to a dinner party, and at the dinner party someone you meet says to you, “You know what you need to be implementing in your business? You need to be implementing M&Ms into your business. In this economy, if you’re not implementing M&Ms, you’re leaving money on the table.”

Somebody else says to you, “Rice milk. It’s all about rice milk.” Someone else says, “Oreo cookies. I made millions by using Oreos to market my business. You have to use Oreos.” And somebody else says to you, “Celery.”

It’s all perfectly good advice from perfectly good people from all legitimate sources. The problem is, which advice do you follow? We go to the supermarket and we buy celery, rice milk, Oreos, and M&Ms. We spend a lot of time at the supermarket and a lot of money. We’re not guaranteed to get value out of all of these products. We might get some value out of some of them. But the worst part is when you’re standing in line with all the products that you bought, no one can see what you believe.

As we just talked about with authenticity, you have to say and do the things you actually believe so people know what you believe. There you are, standing in line with all of your products and no one knows what you stand for. No one knows why you do what you do and they will walk past you.

However, if you know your “why”, things are totally different. Imagine you know your “why”. Imagine your “why” is to always be healthy and only do things that protect the integrity and health of your body. You’re going to get all the same brilliant advice from all the same brilliant experts from all the same brilliant books. The only difference is you’re only going to buy celery and rice milk. Those are the only two things that make sense, so you spend less money at the supermarket and less time, so there’s an efficiency play. You’re guaranteed to get value from those products.

When you’re standing in line in the supermarket, now everyone can see what you believe because you only bought the things that help you bring your “why” to life. You only bought the things that help you manifest being healthy: your celery and your rice milk. So somebody walking past can look at you and say, “I can see that you believe in being healthy. So do I.” Congratulations! You attracted a customer, a vote, support, or a recommendation simply from saying and doing the things that you actually believe.

Here’s the best part: you knew. In fact, every single person listening to this, as soon as I said the “why” and that our “why” is to be healthy and only protect the integrity of our bodies, knew that we were only going to buy celery and rice milk. That’s called scale, and when an organization can clearly articulate why it does what it does, anyone within the organization knows the decisions to make because they’re the only decisions that make sense, and that’s the power of “why.” It’s scalable.

John:  You talked about the danger of the split, when organizations reach a certain point and they get to large. Tell us more about that.

Simon:  The greatest challenge that any organization has is success. When an organization is small, it’s usually run on the passion and personality of one person or a small group of people. It’s their gut that is making all the decisions, and the few people who join the organization at the beginning are inspired by those people and they’re inspired to take a ridiculous risk, to quit their job, cut their salary in half, and work out of a basement with a 99% chance of failure.

Small businesses have a very high chance of failure, and yet we do it because we’re inspired by the passion and all of that. The problem is, as the organization grows and becomes more successful, then it is impossible for that leader, small group, or founder to be in every meeting and to make every decision; and as the organization grows even more, even to know every person in the organization.

So, the split is when the organization’s “why” and what they do become separated, and they become fixated on making the money and they forgot why the organization was founded in the first place. It’s unbelievable to me how many very successful organizations believe that it’s what they’re doing and how they’re doing it that made them successful, but if you go back in history it’s actually why they were doing it that inspired everybody. They weren’t doing any market research. There was no poll data. There were no focus groups that they were using to make decisions. Somebody was trusting their gut, but they never extracted that gut feeling. They never extracted that “why” and put it into the culture.

The biggest challenge any organization has is success. You hear it all the time in successful organizations. The people who were there from the beginning, what do they always say? “It’s not like it used to be. I remember way back when and it’s not like that anymore. I miss the good old days.” What they’re talking about is not living in basements making half their salary. They’re talking about the feeling they had when they came to work. And as the “why” goes away, so does that feeling.

John:  We talk a lot about Geoffrey Moore and “Crossing the Chasm.”  It’s so neat that it’s playing itself out now in every market. We see the same thing across the board. But you actually turned it up another notch. You talked about Everett Rogers’ book, “Diffusion of Innovation,” which was done in the sixties.

Simon:  It’s an old book. And that’s where Moore took his inspirations from is Everett Rogers.

John:  Right. Tell us more about that.

Simon:  What Rogers did was identify something called the Law of Diffusion of Innovations. What it is very simply is a bell curve. If people don’t know the law, they’ve all heard the terminology. The first 2.5% of our population are innovators. The next 13.5% of our population are early adopters, moving from the left side of the bell to the right side. The next 34% are the early majority and the next 34% are the late majority. The last 16% are your laggards. I always like to joke that the only reason laggards buy touch tone phones is because you can’t buy rotary phones anymore. That’s a laggard.

What the Law of Diffusion tells us is that you cannot achieve mass market success – you cannot achieve the majority of people to buy into your idea or product – until you’ve achieved between 15% and 18% market penetration. That’s the tipping point. The reason is because the early majority (that 34%) will not try something until someone else has tried it first. It’s the innovators and the early adopters that are comfortable trusting their guts and making intuitive, gut decisions.

They’re the ones who spent $40,000 and $50,000 on flat screen TVs when they first came out even though the technology was sub-standard. They were the ones who stood in line to buy iPhones when they first came out for six hours when they could have just walked into the store the following week and bought one off the shelf. It had nothing to do with the quality of the technology. It had to do with who they were. They wanted to be first. That’s early adopter behavior, where the majority is a little more practical. They care about things like price and quality.

So if you have to achieve between 15% and 18% market penetration for the system to tip, that means you have to talk to the early adopters and the innovators first. Now anyone, even if they get it all wrong, is going to get about 10% loyal customers. We all have about 10% loyal customers or 10% loyal employees.

I love to talk to companies about their conversion on new business and they love to say, “Oh, we do about 11% conversion,” proudly. You can trip over 10%. That’s the law of averages. It’s that next 5% to 8% that Geoffrey Moore calls the chasm. How do you get that tipping point away from the 10% of the early adopters all the way up to something that can tip? The way you do it is talking about why you do what you do. Because when you talk about what you believe, you attract people who believe what you believe. You attract people who are willing to take a risk, pay a premium, for no other reason than it’s about them and not you. Eventually everyone else will follow.

John:  Long-time listeners know that I’m a sucker for a human interest story, but you had a tale about Ben Comen, and it actually illustrates competition and not having to worry about your competition. If you could, tell us about that.

Simon:  Ben offers an amazing lesson to us. When Ben Comen was in high school, he was on the track team. This doesn’t sound particularly profound, but for the fact that Ben had cerebral palsy. For those who know about cerebral palsy, it’s when your muscles are withered, your joints are weak, your bones are brittle, and your balance is poor. A young kid with cerebral palsy doesn’t often find himself on the high school track team.

Ben never won a race. When he would run he would fall over a lot and he would eventually cross the finish line muddied, bloody, bruised, and exhausted. And when everyone else finished their race in 21 minutes, Ben finished his in 45.

What’s profound about Ben’s moral is this is not a story about when the going gets tough, the tough get going. This isn’t a story about how when you fall over, you pick yourself back up. Those are great morals; don’t get me wrong. We can learn those from an Olympic athlete who breaks their leg and three months later comes back to win a gold medal. Ben’s lesson is vastly more profound because after 21 minutes something happens. After 21 minutes when everyone else has finished their race, they all come back and run with Ben. Ben is the only runner that when he falls over, someone else helps him up and he’s the only person that has people behind him when he crosses the finish line.

What Ben teaches us is that if we wake up every day to compete against everybody else, no one wants to help us. But if we wake up every day to compete against ourselves, everyone wants to help us. Olympic athletes don’t want to help each other because they compete against each other.

If you look at the worst companies, the ones that struggle, the ones where marketing is difficult, the ones that are constantly worried about their own differentiation, they are obsessed with what their competitors are doing and they’re less obsessed with what they are doing. If you look at the great marketing organizations like Apple Computers and Southwest Airlines, they are obsessed with what they are doing and they know exactly why they are in business and you can either jump on the train of jump off. They tend to vastly ignore their competition.

From a business perspective, Apple is a smaller company than Microsoft, and offers no threat to Microsoft. However, why is it that everyone at Microsoft wakes up every day and worries what Apple is doing and Apple wakes up every day and doesn’t really care what Microsoft is doing? It’s because one has defined themselves by why they do what they do and their train is moving fast and they’re going with or without you, and the other one has become a software company that is now worried about what everyone else thinks about them and what everyone else is doing.

The key to great marketing is to compete against yourself and make your own work better than it was six months ago and work to make it even better six months from now and don’t worry about everybody else.

John:  The book is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and all the regular places. You have it on your website, also, correct?

Simon:  Absolutely. The website is

John:  That’s great. I’ll have a link to the TEDx presentation in the show notes. You can just go to YouTube and look up Simon Sinek. Simon, thanks for spending time with us today.

Simon:  Thank you very much and thanks for helping me share the “why”.

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4 Keys to The Art of Blogging

This is the second of two posts on the Art and Science of Blogging, a series created to run as part of #blogchat You can check out part 1, “4 Keys to The Science of Blogging” here.

We had to cover the Science of blogging first because that’s where all the rules get made. Now we get to talk about Art, where the rules can be broken – for example, this series should be “The Science and Art of Blogging” since that’s the order we are covering it, but “The Art and Science of Blogging” is more pleasant to the ear, so we had to get crazy and take them out of order.

According to Art is “the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance”

So where to focus to make our blogging “of more than ordinary significance”?

The Art of Creating Experience

We touched on this last week when we talked about “Creating a System.” Think about what your readers are going to do, where they are going to go when they visit your site. Create a “Happy Path” for them. What would be best for both you and them to experience? At the heart of this is asking why you are blogging. Is it just to tell your story, or do you want to motivate your audience, enthuse them or teach them?

The two keys here are to wireframe – actually draw a map before you start building, and testing. Having a map and then getting 3rd party verification that everything works are the only ways to prove the park ride is working.

The Art of Web Design

Choosing the proper colors, fonts, and page layouts require an artistic eye. There are many rules of design that can help you make your site more effective but ultimately you are painting a picture. Unfortunately for us it’s going to render differently on all kinds of devices making this infinitely more challenging than a canvas.

Your site is the user interface (UI) to your content. The ultimate goal of UI would be that it is intuitive – when someone sits down at your site for the first time, everything does what the user thinks it should do. Of course our expectations of a UI are always in motion. Until recently I would always expect a keyboard and mouse. My son it tapping and swiping on the TV and getting angry that nothing’s happening. The ultimate artistry here is creating the new standards for interface elements. What will we do to control our iWatches? Motions to control holographic interfaces? Those controlled by eye or voice?

Keys here – use complementary colors, put readability first in font choice, in layout always err on the side of less (simplicity reigns). For UI – steal from the masters.

The Art of Images

Unless you’re running something like a photo or travel blog, images are not required. And yet the right images can clearly make a blog a piece of art, while poor or dated graphics may cause some to look on your content with a doubtful eye. Can I really trust this information that looks like it was written in 1998?

It’s funny how most blog templates try to fool you by going with a “Less is More” layout. That does work really well if you have some National Geographic level photos, suddenly when you start slapping in your own images the template doesn’t seem so cool. The good news is you can release plenty of photography smack down with just an iPhone and a little work.Mona_Lisa

Quick tricks to improve your images: Understand the Rule of Thirds, use black and white for drama and to hide imperfections. Get at least a basic understanding of Photoshop, or GIMP if you don’t want to pay anything. The greatest productivity boost to my blogging (and marketing career overall) was to learn Photoshop. Other photo tricks with high bang for your learning buck: HDR and adding sharpness.

The Art of Writing

We end here with the greatest challenge the blogger and author have always faced: the blank page. Writing compelling copy is the blogger’s core competence. In truth, you could find someone to do every other part of this process but it’s the writing that’s your fingerprint, your stamp on the project that nobody else can replicate.

I do not put myself forth as a writing expert (for the love of god, I was trained as an economist, many consider that being a professional liar), but as a marketer there are some tricks you can use to improve how you write:

Start with your own voice. Write as if you were talking, there’s never been anyone that’s suffered from “Talker’s Block”. If you’re stuck just keep writing, you’ll get something good on the page and even if it’s just one sentence out of two pages, that’s enough to make your next session productive.

Use the proper voice for the situation. The voice you choose will set the scene. I love Lawrence Fishburne’s character in “The Matrix”. Although it’s a Sci-Fi action rollercoaster ride his voice is slow and deliberate, a rich deep tone with perfect elocution. Here is art in action. By breaking the rules with this voice in that scene you can’t help but be enraptured.  So ask “Does the voice I’m using match the scenery in my blog? Should it?”

The masters that I have been fortunate enough to work with in marketing have all had the same technique – use the active voice, and cut out half the words that are not really providing any value. It can never be too succinct or clean. Check out writing from the King of the Mad Men, David Ogilvy for more here.

To read more about practicing your art in today’s society you might want to check out this interview with Seth Godin. If you enjoy listening to audio, the interview is here.

Finally, thanks for taking part in #blogchat with me and I hope you’ve found our discussion useful. The audio edition of my book, Marketing Confessions, was just released this week. I’ve created a pdf of a few sample chapters for everyone from blogchat if you’d like to check it out or pass it along to your favorite marketing person.


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Audio Confessions!

B2BMarkConfes copyB2B Marketing Confessions is now available as an audiobook! I know it’s absurd that a guy with a podcast needs a year to get the audio version of his book done, but that’s how the chips fell.

The blurb: What’s the Truth About Marketing? Contrary to the popular belief that marketing is advertising, listen to the confessions of an insider to learn how marketing affects every step of the customer lifecycle. From product design, to building awarness, selling, and keeping customers happy, this book covers all the basic principles and gives you tactics, tips and tricks to succeed (including best practices for!

Star Rating: 4.5 out of 5 – San Francisco Book Review

“…one of the many wonderful things about B2B Marketing Confessions: it is accessible and useful to everyone.”
B2B Marketing Confessions is exceptional. Wall describes everything you could ever want to know about the modern-day marketing process. Whether you are a professional marketer or an entrepreneur with a big idea and no employees (yet), you should read this book. I have no doubt that you will find Wall’s advice easy to understand and exciting to put to use.”

Available at:

Amazon (via Audible)


Audible (Get it free if you start a 30 day trial)

Dead tree and Kindle versions here

I’m working hard to promote it this month so if you are looking for an interview subject, webinar host or presenter, or speaker I’m ready for your group, association or nursing home!



Productivity Booster

4 Keys to The Science of Blogging

This Week (Sunday, March 9, 9pm EST) in Mack Collier’s #blogchat we’ll be talking about “The Art and Science of Blogging.” Blogging covers a huge spectrum of skills, everything from configuring your servers and domain name to web analytics, to coming up with the graphic design and color scheme for your blog (but thankfully, it’s easy to outsource or use tools for all of this). If you have time left after all that, you may even do some writing.

I use the word “Science” simply to emphasize experimentation and (hopefully) repeatable results. For our purposes we can use the experiments other people have done to make our blogs better.

Week 2 will cover the “Art” side of the discussion. That part is more fun than science but there’s a reason why you have to put science first, and that will a big part of the second week’s discussion. Although you can steal all the scientific results for your own gain, once you start stealing someone else’s art you become a cheap knockoff.

The Keys:

  1. Follow “The Rules”
  2. Build the System
  3. Measure Everything
  4. Always Be Testing/Closing/Selling

Follow “The Rules” As you begin your study of blogging you will look to “The Rules” to guide you and keep you from getting in your own way. For example, in the past you didn’t have to think much about how your blog would look on a phone but with the huge explosion of handheld devices, it’s not uncommon to hear of sites having more than half of their traffic coming from mobile. In other words – if you tune your blog so it also looks great on mobile platforms, you could double your current results. We don’t need to spend much time here, you’re smart enough to be hanging out in #blogchat so you get this.

Build the System There’s no substitute for climbing the learning curve. You’ll probably never learn as much about blogging in as short a time as when you get your blog together and do your first 10 posts. An important point to remember here is that your blog is unique. You want it to be remarkable.

Once your blog is up and running ask: “Are you treating your readers right?” To maximize your odds for success make sure your readers can easily do what they want to do, and they have a great experience when they visit your blog. It astounds me how many great blogs don’t have  links to their most popular posts. For many blogs the best meat is buried where only Google can find it. Yet out of the other side of my mouth, while this mission has been accomplished over at Marketing Over Coffee, this blog doesn’t have an easy to use archive or Top 10 page (cobbler’s kids and all that, yadda yadda.)

Bonus links: Additional Reading on User Interfaces (UI), and User Experience (UX)

Measure Everything –  We could talk for days about Google Analytics. Maybe we can at least get through the 3 key areas in our hour together:

  1. Acquisition – where do your site visitors come from? More importantly what could you do to find more of them?
  2. Behavior –  what do users do when they get to your site?
  3. Conversion- the critical point that separates the general audience from customers, for lack of a better term.

Google analytics gives you the data to fuel your experiments and gives you hooks into other advertising options and systems at the right price. Check out this post from Christopher S. Penn for more on the ABC’s.microscope

Additional Reading: The Godfather in this space is Avinash Kaushik, and he’s given us a clear map of the path to awesomeness. Learn the path, live the path, love the path. He offers 2 ladders, the first outlining what to do to make a killer web presence, and the other outlining what to measure.

Always Be Testing/Closing/Selling – There are two sides to this coin – one is that you should always be testing something, tweaking things to see what kind of trouble you can cause. On the other hand – you always have to be wary that it’s not cutting into your writing time. It may help to set a goal “I will test one variable a week” just to keep you from running amok (maybe one more post rather than a Blackberry template?)

Additional Reading:  If you are into coding check out the Google Analytics API for some crazy stuff you can do on the testing front.

Does this make sense? Have you got any theories you’ve proven or want to test? I’d love to hear from you this Sunday, March 9 on #blogchat my twitter name is @johnjwall see you then!


Jason Calacanis – Google Wins Everything

Last month I had a chance to speak with Jason Calacanis in an interview for Marketing Over Coffee. Here’s the audio if reading isn’t your thing:

John:  Hello, welcome to Marketing Over Coffee. I’m John Wall. We have Jason Calacanis with us here today. I’ve got two links if you want to check out his history. You can go back and look at This Week in Startups, an interview they did at Penn State where he talks about coming up as an entrepreneur. In another link, an interview with Jerry Colonna which has some great stuff as far as start-ups and coaching.

The biggest thing that pushed me to give Jason a call to try to get him on here was back in November he did a post called “Google Wins Everything” on his newsletter. As we get right into this, Jason, you just blew me away with this post. I don’t understand why it didn’t get more action and run further. Before we dig into it, can you set it up for us? What drove you to write this?

Jason:  I’m in a fortunate position as a writer in that I don’t write for a particular publication. I write for myself when something is on my mind. As a writer, I tend to write about the things that I’m fascinated with that I feel people aren’t talking about. When I used to be a full-time journalist and editing a magazine back in the days working as a reporter, you had to file. So sometimes you have a weak piece, and sometimes you have a strong piece. I only write something if it’s really strong. Most of the stuff that I write is thrown away and I don’t hit the publish key. I don’t have an editor or any time to do it.

So this is just one that I was feeling building up over time, which is about Google being the most powerful, aggressive, ambitious, and intelligent company out there. At the poker tables I play at with powerful people, as it were, the discussion kept turning to, “Wow, Larry Page is going for it!” To say “lean in” would be a gross understatement. To have that many smart people and to spend your war chest of cash in such as aggressive way – moonshots, etc. – is unlike anything we’ve seen in the history of business, and perhaps humanity.

I don’t know that any other organization has tried to change the world as much as Google is doing now, except for the United States maybe. And that’s not a company, that’s a country. As a concept, what Google is doing could be as important or as ambitious, if they hit a couple of these things, as the formation of the United States, which I know sounds super-hyperbolic. The United States stood for so many things when it was founded, and its success is a big part of the reason why Google is able to do what they do.

Going after a life extension, artificial intelligence, robots, self-driving cars, wearable computing, DNA, media advertising, and search – all of the stuff concurrently and that’s the stuff we know about. But what about the stuff we don’t know about? You can be sure for every interesting thing we hear about, there are five more that we have not heard about yet. It certainly is in stark comparison when you look at Apple, which obviously has more money – $140 billion and the largest hedge fund in the world. They are debating with Carl Icahn about how much of the money to give back. Meanwhile, Larry Page and Sergey are saying, “How can we spend this money more interestingly? Oh, Nest is available for $3 billion? Let’s buy it.” That’s a long way of saying that I wrote the piece because I’m in awe of Google.

John:  There are two things I wanted to follow-up with that. You’re right on the mark. You talk about America and the United States – in the late ‘60s or early ‘70s, we looked to the government to do NASA and to do literally moonshots. Now here we are 40-50 years later and this has to come out of the private sector because the government can’t get out of its own way. Do you think that’s the way this should evolve? Is this the way it’s supposed to work? Or has a certain part of our government failed and its corporates are picking up the slack?

Jason:  It’s a good question. I’m not an expert on government, but I think we haven’t seen the polarization of wealth and this type of massive ability for individuals and/or companies to acquire such a large percentage of the wealth in the world. Even the robber barons now look cute in terms of the scale of them. This is a whole different level of wealth accumulation, both on a personal basis, with people like Larry or Sergey or Mark Zuckerberg being worth maybe $20-30 billion (a very-hard-to-fathom number). But then professionally those companies like Apple are throwing off $140 billion in cash.

Governments do what they need to do, and back then, going to the moon and to space was something that seemed like we needed to do. I don’t know if it was in fact essential, but there are all types of dysfunction in government. These companies I think are led by super-ambitious people. I don’t know Larry and Sergey deeply. I know them casually. Once in a while, I’ll see them at an event and talk to them for five or ten minutes. I do think that there are certain individuals right now who are, for lack of a better word, bored at what they’ve accomplished at the incredibly old ages of 35, 40, or 45, and they feel like, “If I have another 40 years left on the planet, I might as well put them to good use and try to do interesting things.” So I do think they’re coming at it from a very good place, which is not about money – since they have more than they could ever spend – or not about power, but really about innovation and trying to do interesting things. I think it comes out from, in a large part, boredom and looking for a new challenge.

John:  That’s really interesting. That’s a great point. You hear a lot negatively about the disparity in wealth. But the fact that these companies have so much in their war chests, it allows them to take those bigger shots.

As far as Apple, you’ve been outspoken about Tim Cook undershooting. Literally, they’re going into China with a cheap phone. That’s the kind of stuff that the street wants to see. It’s slow, steady growth. Are there any other reasons why you think they’re not doing more moonshots over there?

Jason:  I think now that Steve Jobs could care less about what Wall Street thought. Certainly, Larry Page doesn’t care. I don’t think that Zuckerberg cares all that much, either. I do think Tim Cook is a well-adjusted person who actually is considered intelligent and effective at what he does, which by the way, is not what makes a great entrepreneur. What makes a great entrepreneur is someone who is unreasonable, driven, and who doesn’t care what other people think at any given point in time. I can assure you that whatever I’ve written about Google, Larry Page and Sergey have either not read it or quickly dismissed it. They don’t care what Jason Calacanis or anybody else has to say. They care about what they’re doing and how interesting it is.

I don’t think it’s necessarily any failure of Tim Cook. I think Tim Cook is probably doing a good job of executing on the existing road map that Apple has. The problem is that the world is changing very rapidly. Since the death of Steve Jobs, you have an acceleration in technological ambition and competition, so it’s just not enough to sit there and think, “If we release the watch and a TV, then we’ll create two more categories and we’ll have a lot more money.”

You do need to be inquisitive. Not buying Nest and letting Google buy it for $3 billion when you have $140 billion in the bank is a huge blunder by Apple, in my opinion. Maybe they have some amazing Apple products coming out, but they don’t want to set the precedent that somebody who previously worked at Apple can get paid to come back to Apple, who knows? Although they did that with Steve Jobs and they bought him a plane. It’s a little bit weird.

Also, Waze was an incredible start-up that Google bought for $1 billion. Although their frontend product for their Maps was a little bit cluttered and not the best UX experience, their data was the best in the world, and the community was the best in the world. How Apple, suffering from map inadequacies that were very public, didn’t just buy Waze for $1 billion and say, “Screw it. Let’s just throw one of our 140 chips that get replenished at the rate of dozens a year. Why don’t we just throw a chip at that?”

They don’t really know how to use their billion-dollar chips, and that’s a lesson I think the next person who runs Apple – I think Tim Cook probably has five or ten years of this – is going to need to look at Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and the people with true ambition and say, “The world is changing. These people are doing big things. We’re going to need to perhaps change the strategy a little bit,” because they don’t have Steve Jobs anymore. It’s one thing when you have Superman on your team, but when he’s no longer in the building, I think you do have to think about changing strategy a little bit.

John:  As far as Google’s domination, you talked in the past about how Mahalo was subject to them as a partner, and as their whims change, it changes the environment and can crush small up-starts. How do you see these things? Do you see this like creating an iron grip and making it that much worse? What does the future look like because of this? Does it open up more opportunity or does it make it worse?

Jason:  Now you get into the really challenging issues to think about. What’s for the best of society? What’s fair in terms of competition and entrepreneurship and an open economy? Certainly, Google is a monopoly or has monopolistic positions in a lot of places. They are very powerful. As a company, on a very pragmatic basis, they really don’t communicate well.

Having been partners with them for 15 years, I was told by Matt Cutts, who is the public face of Google and is 1000 times more out there than Larry Page or Sergey are, “We don’t have partners. It’s not how we do things.” But then I meet with people from Google all the time, like YouTube, and they say, “Hey, you’re such a great partner. Can we give you more money to do other projects?” The advertising team e-mailed me after Panda and said, “We wanted to talk about optimizing your hits on Mahalo.” I said, “Do you know that you got rid of 80% of our traffic? I had to lay off 75 hard-working Americans who lost their jobs in the content business, which is a really tough business to be in. You just whipsawed us and didn’t give us any warning or any chance to correct anything or any guidance.” They said, “Yeah, that’s a different group of people.” I said, “I know, but you all have Google on your business card. You’re all eating in the same cafeteria.”

This is where Google’s “nobody is in charge” is kind of a lie and a way to subvert any conversation with them and increase their dominance. It’s a big mistake because the animosity towards Google from both ends – the streets and the partners – is growing and growing and growing. When you don’t talk to your partners and you say things like Matt says, “We don’t have partners,” while other people in the company are calling me – even this week, I had an e-mail exchange with Google, who said, “Oh my God, Inside is so brilliant! Can we work with you to get you more downloads and help you spend money with us in our ad network? We’ll run a test with you.” I said, “I’m not really in the mood to work with Google right now because of how you guys have treated us.” They want us as a partner and then they don’t want us as a partner. It’s a long way of saying they’re becoming the most loved/hated company in the world.

Apple is just all love because they’re pretty up front with their partners. They say, “This is how we do things. You make a beautiful product. You use the IOS 7 designs. You’re all good. We may or may not feature you. It’s really based on the quality of your product. If you want to be in the Apple stores, we need you to have good packaging and a great consumer experience.” They could be a tough partner, but I think they’re a fair partner. I think Google is a tough partner, but they’re not a fair partner.

John:  Is the content model for Launch Ticker what is actually driving Inside? How did that all evolve?

Jason:  If Inside turns out to be a Unicorn, Google will wind up having inadvertently gotten me there. I was doing Maholo. We were the 140th largest site in the United States, 16-17 million unique, $10 million run rate on just Google AdSense alone (our partner at the time), and the how-to content was getting better and better. There were times when it was low quality and times when it was medium quality, but generally speaking, we were trending really well. We were spending more per piece than anybody else in the content space and we were just getting better and better at it, making 50,000 videos on YouTube with 20-30 million views a months and 2 million subscribers.

All that was humming along so well, but then we get hit with the Panda update, and I’m e-mailing everybody I know over there and they won’t talk to me and they won’t give me a straight story. Matt Cutts lied to my face, basically, which is why you hear this little bit of resentment towards him personally. He said, “We don’t have a penalty against you,” but we had 80% of our traffic gone. He said, “You don’t need to do anything.” I said, “Obviously I need to do something.”

All that angst led me to this really dark place where I was thinking, “What am I going to do here?” I have millions of dollars in the bank. I spent millions of dollars. I was laying people off. It was a very dark moment in my career, second only to the bust and 9/11, which were back-to-back events. I was sitting there in this dark period going, “God, what do I do?”

I talked to my board and did a lot of soul searching. I thought, “I think there are three things the future is going to be about: education, video, and news.” These are three areas that really need disruption and new products. So I started testing that. We did a deal with YouTube. They gave us over $1 million to create nine shows, three of which became breakout hits, which was the goal of the program. Even though they were breakout hits with great traffic, it was a bad return on investment because the money, with Google taking 45% of it, made it just impossible. I would give that a B- as a business proposition.

Then we did educational apps. We tested a lot of interesting apps and iBooks. They really got great response from the users who got them, but they cost $100,000-300,000 to make an app, and you wound up making $50,000-100,000 and unless you had a hit, it’s a really a very hard business. The app business is really growing down.

Then I looked at the news business and I tested the minimal viable product of the Launch Ticker, which was just someone reading over all the tech news and writing it as simply and clearly as possible for me in a Google doc. It literally cost $125/day to hire a writer and nothing for a Google doc. Boy, was it compelling. I could tell from the first day I read it that it was saving me a lot of time and I loved it. That quickly grew to 5000-6000 e-mail subscribers. Smart people were looking at it saying, “This is the future.” I thought, “Hmm. Interesting. Smart people are getting it.”

I had gotten the domain name, which is another story. I said, “Boy, this is it. If I do,,, or whatever it is of the topics that are in the news, or things that people are passionate about, like, and we can figure out a way to deliver it to them mobile-ly, it’s going to be a huge win.” We came up with this concept of updates and Pandora for news and we started building it. The reaction has been amazing. Without getting into too many of the numbers, people who use the product are really into it.

I basically did three tests. One of them really appealed to me as an entrepreneur. There was a founder-market fit, founder-product fit. It also happened to have a product-market fit. You really need those two things when you’re an entrepreneur. You have to love the product you’re building and the market has to love your product. If you can get those three things in a nice little triangle, where the founder loves the product, the market loves the product, and the founder loves the market, you get that little triangle going, then you’re in a good place.

I feel like Inside is just destined to be the number one news site and mobile app in the world. I think it will be as important as or more important than CNN. I know that’s a really bold, crazy statement, but it’s obvious to me that somebody has to reinvent the news, and CNN is just so saddled with the past. The New York Times is so saddled with the past. We can start fresh. It’s a huge opportunity. That doesn’t mean it’s still not a 1-3% chance we do that, but I like those odds. One percent chance of making something as important as the CNN or the New York Times – I’ll take those odds any day.

John:  That’s definitely where you want to be. What about the players – everybody who dominated the news for the past three or four years? There’s the Huffington Post and Slate and all these people who have fallen prey to the click. They’d rather put something scandalous up there to drive the traffic than actually report the news. Is that at the core? Obviously, quality content is what you’re all about. Do you fear those other guys, or do you fear an upstart over them?

Jason:  I wouldn’t be too worried about the big players because they have a legacy business. The New York Times has maybe 1000 journalists they need to feed. They need to pay homage to the history and keep it going. You can appreciate all of that.

But then you have the Business Insiders, and the Buzzfeeds, and the Upworthys, who I would put into the category generally of a mixed bag. They have high and low moments, so I call them “high and low.” It’s their strategy to say, “You will have a brilliant story on Buzzfeed or Business Insider.” Nicholas Carlson comes to mind with the Marissa profile, or Alyson with the Travis Kalanick profile from Uber. Buzzfeed also has some great stuff once in a while. But then they surround it with these pop culture slideshows and gimmicky headlines, like, “You’ll never believe the three things that Marissa Mayer did to be successful in kindergarten.” They say, “We know that people love kindergarten. We know they love Marissa. We know they love secrets, so let’s just do that all day long, every day.” That kind of stuff feels ephemeral and vapid and all those kinds of things, but it works. Upworthy works.

I look at those kinds of techniques, but to me, those gimmicky techniques feel just like SEO. I fell prey to that strategy as well. It can build a big rush of traffic, but it’s like hitting a crack pipe during a marathon – it’s going to get you through the next mile, but it’s going to kill you in the couple of miles after that.

Upworthy will be penalized. It will be blocked by Facebook, or they’ll be charged by Facebook and there’s going to be a huge Upworthy crash. Buzzfeed and Business Insider – who knows? Maybe they’ll be able to push into the legitimate stuff and strike a balance. You live by the gun, you die by the gun, and I think they’re a little bit too much on that crack pipe of Facebook and it’s not going to end well. Once Facebook decides, “Hmm, you’re making money off of us? We’ll cut you off and you pay us now,” which is what they did to Zynga or any other game company. They did it to people building Facebook pages. People were building Facebook pages and Facebook said, “Build up all your friends and family and get them all to like your profile page and your podcast.” Then all of a sudden, you wake up one day after you’ve invested hours and thousands or tens of thousands of dollars, and Facebook says, “You want to reach those ten thousand people who follow you? Pay. You can reach 300 of them, but to get the other 7700 of your 8000, you have to pay us.”

I think those things are part of the reason why Inside is speaking to a small number of people in a very big way. They’re tired of the cotton candy. Cotton candy is a delicious thing, but it’s very hard to eat a whole serving of cotton candy. When you get to the end, you’re disgusted. Nobody ever orders a second helping of cotton candy. The first bite is “Oh my God, delish.”

John:  Do you see this new Facebook Paper coming out as a threat? Is it any good?

Jason:  I think it’ll be as successful as their effort to take on Quora or Snapchat or Groupon. When a company starts to knock off other people’s innovations, like Google’s Google Video versus YouTube, the public is savvy to that and they don’t embrace it – maybe not the entire public but the ones who matter, those early adopters.

When the early adopters saw Poke, they were saying, “You ripped off Snapchat. I’m not interested.” When the YouTube community saw Google to Google video, they thought, “That’s Google. We’re not interested.” You have to be careful with that strategy. I think it’s a very beautiful homage to Flipboard, but if anybody looks at it, it’s pretty clear that they just literally stole Flipboard’s innovations, from the section functionality to flipping through stories. It’s just a knockoff. A good one though. If it was on Canal Street or in the Fendi store, you wouldn’t know, so I think that Facebook is awesome at knocking stuff off. They did it with Snapchat and Poke. Poke was probably even a better product in some ways, but you can only rip people off and get so far. 95 times out of 100, it just results in nothing, so I think that’s what we’ll see here.

I think there’s maybe a 5% chance it will work. They’re not going to put the effort and the care into it that Flipboard has. They’re certainly not going to be able to retain top employees and top talent to produce rip-offs. That’s the other thing. Can you imagine? You’re at Facebook and Zuckerberg comes down and says, “We can’t buy Snapchat, so make me a pixel-by-pixel copy of it,” or, “We can’t buy Flipboard, so make me a knockoff.” He actually famously, according to Snapchat folks, e-mailed them about Poke after they wouldn’t sell. There are two sides to every story, but that’s a little bit of taunting. I think that kind of childish taunting and copying is probably not a great long-term strategy for success.

That’s the last thing I worry about: Facebook’s efforts to copy stuff. I always look for some other entrepreneur who really understands and is thinking from zero about what the experience should be.

John:  Yeah, I can see that. The early adopters pass up on it and you don’t get that same type of starting hit. How about the Launch Festival you have coming up February 24-26th in San Francisco? Are you guys ready to roll with that? Is it going to be another big year?

Jason:  Yeah, I just did the rehearsals. This is the seventh year I’ll be doing a festival. The first three years I did with my old friend, Mike Arrington, at TechCrunch40 and 50. For the last three years, I’ve done it on my own as Launch Festival. This will be the seventh year I’ve done a start-up conference like this, and the companies are amazing.

They’re all coming into their first rehearsal and I give them scores. Typically the scores in the first rehearsal are 4s,5s, 6s, and 7s. Once in a while, there’s an 8. This time there was all 7s and 8s and 8.5s. In the first rehearsal, to have people doing such a good job is extraordinary.

I do that event as a break-even or loss every year, but I try to make it bigger and better every year. This year, we’ve got well over 7000 people already RSVP-ing. Last year, we had 6000, and we’re still 20 days out, so I would guess that we will hit 8000, 9000, or even 10,000 people, making it the largest start-up conference in the world, by far – and certainly the largest in the United States.

I do it for the joy of entrepreneurship and I have a little Angel investing fund. I’ve invested in 50 companies. Over the next three years, I’ll invest in 50 more, so I’ll have 100 investments. My visa says the people who come to the event, as well as the judges and people who participate, are my deal flow, so for those companies I see in rehearsal, I can see the entrepreneur and how they take the feedback during rehearsal and how they respond to it, and if I see them really improving the product and doing a great job in the four weeks of rehearsal, which is probably 30% of Y Combinator or TechStars. We don’t get any equity. It feels like that to them. If they do a really good job then I’ll probably Angel invest in them, which I’ve done in the past years.

John:  That’s great. Jason Calacanis from This Week in Startups and everywhere else. It seems like you’re everywhere these days. Thanks for stopping and talking to us. Is there anything else you want to hit on on your way out the door?

Jason:  No, other than that podcasting is a great thing. I always love talking to podcasters. You can follow me @Jason.  You can follow Inside @Inside, and you can follow Launch @Launch, all those great names on Twitter.

John:  That sounds great. Thanks again. We’ll catch up with you next week. Until then, enjoy the coffee.

Jason:  Cheers.