Productivity Booster The Marketeer

The 10 Biggest Changes in Marketing Strategy – 2007

I’m trying to do a “Year in Review” and I’m thinking about what has had the most impact in the past 12 months. We’re talking about things that will change your front line marketing tactics. Here’s my rough list:

  1. Email is not dying
  2. Print is dying
  3. Google AdWords Price Explosion
  4. Blogging
  5. Every organization is a publishing organization (a la, David Scott)
  6. Online Video
  7. RSS Feeds
  8. WikiPedia
  9. and other SAAS offerings
  10. SEO is dying

I’d really like to hear what you have to say about this list and what would be on your list. Anyone that provides useful feedback will be acknowledged in the final report with a link at the bare minimum. There are a couple of large brains that I am going to call out by name, but don’t let my link baiting discourage you from giving your opinion:

Christopher Penn, Mitch Joel, C.C. Chapman, Joseph Jaffe, Ron Ploof

7 replies on “The 10 Biggest Changes in Marketing Strategy – 2007”

It has been interesting how domain names are basically a commodity market. That’s good but I think that’s more the closing of loopholes and the end of the wild west area rather than something new (but that’s just a perspective thing).

Thanks David, this is also a perspective thing, but of course it’s a much more exciting headline to say SEO – KILLED TODAY! I’m talking about the death of vendors who say “We don’t care if you are selling surgical tools, kids toys, or dog food. Give us your site and in 1 month we’ll get you to be number 1 on Yahoo.”

There are two major changes that will change the landscape of this industry – the cat and mouse game of tags, link farms, etc. dry up and get old or people get tired of paying games to get non-relevant traffic. The other more interesting one is that SEO is becoming a variant of copywriting. Writers who can come up with the best prose that matches a searcher’s intent are the SEO practitioners of the future. I put these people in a different category than keyword density practitioners. Do you agree with that?

Perhaps it’s better to say “SEO is dead, long live SEO”

[…] So I’m still considering what the biggest news of the year is on the Marketing front (specifically, tactics). Boldly claiming the death of SEO, I have to admit it’s more of a “SEO is Dead, Long Live SEO”. The game is changing from cheap tricks over to master copywriting and this requires a different set of people with different talents. […]

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