
Fake Steve Jobs – Old Media Fear Naught

Last week I attended a signing by Fake Steve Jobs, for his book Option$. Atlas Ventures opened up the bar and invited a large crew to Rocca, a very cool location in the South End of Boston.

For those not initiated, Daniel Lyons works at Forbes and while experimenting with blogs came up with Fake Steve Jobs, his idea of what would happen if a CEO decided to do a real blog, not the watered-down, PR and Legal approved abominations you occasionally see at large companies. There’s no surer bet for a laugh if you are looking for a feed to add.

Mr. Lyons is living proof of my theory that those best suited for success in new media, are those now working in the established outlets. I’ve heard many editors and publishers berate blogs, obviously deaf to that giant sucking sound that is their circulation. Those already in the publishing industry that aren’t afraid to try something new will be the most likely to succeed as things continue to evolve. The days of subscribing to 10 magazines, buying a stack of CDs, and listening to terrestrial radio are only visible in the rear view mirror.

Another group getting it is Version 2 Communications, the co-host of the event. They had the Flickr and YouTube tags on the back of the name badges, check out the vid with me chewing the scenery as hard as The Shat, with Chris Brogan driving it home with the ultimate punchline.


2 replies on “Fake Steve Jobs – Old Media Fear Naught”

Found your blog over at Chris Brogan’s place. When you talk about old media guys who “get” new media, do you think that the only way that they can survive is through such extreme measures? Or do you think that recognizing and revering (some) bloggers as peers is enough?

Oh, great question. I don’t think that old media people have to give any bloggers respect unless they think they are doing a great job. I do feel the established media does have to go more extreme (but not in the Fake Steve Jobs sense, the can continue to cover their beat). Magazines are dying by the time they go all the way through the editorial process, through the presses and then through the mail, it’s stuff bloggers were writing about 3 weeks ago or more.

This is great, it focuses my argument a bit – for example I believe that PC Magazine could smoke a tech site like Engadget, they have a better infrastructure, talented writers, labs, etc. The question is, can they change gears?

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