Brain Buster Podcasting Productivity Booster

Gettin’ Funky with Smart Playlists

Greg had kicked this over to me when I did a video on using smart playlists in iTunes. I was hoping to wait until my blog template was updated so I could show it in Revver, but that won’t be for another couple of weeks and I’m tired of waiting.

If you are going to sync podcasts across multiple machines or need to do some other funky stuff, check out: using Juice, Podnova and SmartPlaylists.

Brain Buster Productivity Buster The Marketeer


I thought this was cool:


Brain Buster The Marketeer

Video Inflection Point

This morning I read Chris Baggott was asking whether video is deserving of the attention it’s getting. I think the short answer is no. I’ve always been impressed with Gartner’s Hype Cycle which is a nice model for explaining some of this (and predicted the bursting of the bubble, speaking of hype).

I was trying to find an image of Gartner’s and came across this post from Mike Slinn. I’ve never heard from him but this post completely kicks ass. In fact, stop reading this garbage I’m writing and go read that. Make sure you understand it and email me if you have any questions.

Ok, so if you bothered to come back (thank you),now we are on the same page and you can see that both Second Life and online video are starting to cross the inflection point on the hype curve. At podcamp Toronto there were some folks saying the SL emperor has no clothes (my absurd copywriting, but I think they would agree with the intent). And I and many others have joked about online video becoming one big “laugh at guys getting kicked in the balls” film festival.

I’m most fascinated with, and trying to come up with a theory about the viral spread of video – it’s something like viral intensity. Video does spread like wildfire, faster than blogs, which are faster than podcasts, but the impact seems to be just as fleeting (and, ergo, ROI). Look at the stories like the producers of lonelygirl, getting millions of hits but not generating anything for them as far as business (at least that’s the word on the web, I haven’t actually heard that from them so that could be BS).

More to think about, but I’m going to go back to laughing at guys getting kicked in the balls.

Brain Buster Podcasting The Marketeer

Bum Rush the Charts

This is going to be cool – on one day everybody we can round up in social media will buy one specific track on a day in March in iTunes. The affiliate money made will go to a college scholarship, all from the brain of Christopher Penn (the idea that is, not the scholarship). Get the full story here.

Brain Buster Productivity Booster

Using a 3rd Party Mail Service as Spam Filter

John Federico  scored with a brain buster this week – use Gmail as Spam Filter.

In a close second was Griddlecake Ron pointing me to Pipes.

Brain Buster The Marketeer

Invest in Thought Leadership, Not Marketing

I’m listening to Jeremy Allaire from Brightcove present at the MIT Enterprise Forum – Brave New Web and the title of this post is a quote direct from his presentation. I’ve run into this meme a number of times in the past couple of months. David Scott has written much on being a thought leader, it seems like new ventures are taking this to the extreme.

For irrelevant marketing and messages, the oxygen is gone.

Brain Buster The Marketeer

Jury Convicts Former CEO

This story is unbelievable to me. Just in case you’re not interested in the link, the former CEO at DCI, where I worked 1998 to 2000 was convicted of tax fraud conspiracy and tax evasion. I’m not too sure of the timeline, but from everything I’ve seen there it looks like I showed up just as everything was finished. How strange that events that happened prior to my arrival there, now almost 10 years ago, are still playing out.

The company was flush with cash when I came on, the bubble was growing rapidly and the first thing to rise are the trade shows and events.

Now I can add criminal conviction as a chapter in my book. I’ve already seen sexual harassment, insurance fraud, nepotism and a bunch of other bizarre stuff including plastic surgery, but those are stories for another day.

In some ways I thought that I shouldn’t blog about it, but it’s a matter of public record so there’s nothing to hide. I’m not sure how I feel about all this, but one thing I do know – in Business it’s always a battle and a game to see who gets the money, but in my mind taxes are not part of that game. When you strike a deal that’s sound business and leveraging information. When you try to do the same thing against the government you can end up picking up trash along the highway in an orange jumpsuit. I have no interest in any part of that.

Brain Buster SEO and Paid Search The Marketeer

Sell your Google, here comes Wikipedia

Remember when Yahoo ruled the world? How long ago was that? 7 years?

In the past 2 months I’ve seen some interesting signs that Wikipedia is on a tear like we’ve never seen. I monitor 7 major keywords that I want to score on and since Q4 2006 wikipedia is on page one for all of these terms.

It’s also a major referrer for all of my sites. In 2 months.
So the question is: Will Google shut off the oxygen? Or is it already too late?

Brain Buster Geek Stuff

The New iPod

My brainbuster for the day – with all of the hype over the iPhone I kind of forgot about the iPod. Today in the car I was thinking “How long will it be before the next generation iPod?” Then it hit me – what’s holding them back from putting most of the cool UI stuff from the phone into the next gen iPod? How sweet will that be if I can watch 24 at the gym and turn the player sideways for a mini widescreen?

Brain Buster The Marketeer


Pandemonium is a one of my favorite albums by The Time, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I know the hardcore marketing content has been light this week, my CAPOW buddies know about my Web 2.0 initiative and that’s what’s been taking up all my time. Throw a Board Meeting into the mix and this has been a very stressful week. But this is the kind of stress that begats great things (birthing pains if you will).

I don’t have the energy to write it up now, but for those interested here’s a video clip that’s part of the master plan. For those of you not in the Software Configuration Management space – AccuRev is the company I work for and the other company is our (much larger) competitor, some guys with a penchant for large azure.
